Bringing You the Domestic Renaissance Since 1999

Note: As of 2017, The New Homemaker is an archive. The articles on the site are all original to TNH. For more musings from Lynn, the person behind this site, go here.

Today, Wednesday, is Knitting Circle Day, one of the highlights of our week. Many of our friends come over. The moms work on projects and the children play. Our circle is a little community, without which our lives would be a lot less full.

We help each other out with projects, problems, life and its inconsistencies, and boss each others' kids around to the point that we all got invited to the eldest boy's bar mitzvah last year because he couldn't imagine the Knitting Circle Ladies not being there.

The ivy pot has "Tell me why the ivy twines" written in Sharpie pen, with freehand leaves; the sage pot was rubber-stamped and then touched up; and the little pot was the result of Josie slopping on paint and Mommy brushing it out for her--turned out rather Monet-like!
A project for the whole family
Cool off with these iced tea ideas
More than what cleaners to use--what cleaners to avoid